Evaluation of the Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
S1 Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi
Graduates of the S1 Study Program of Physical Health and Recreation Education in accordance with the perspective of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) is at level 6. As for graduates of the study program in accordance with the mission formulation of the study program there are 4 objectives of the study program (Programe Education Outcomes / PEO) is who can become educators and entrepreneurs who have advantages in physical education science, professional and character, with the characteristics:
- Mastering and applying knowledge and skills continuously in the field of physical education to solve problems faced in professional tasks in a multidisciplinary and creative manner.
- Designing and implementing sustainable scientific implementation in the field of physical education in general and adaptive physical education/inclusion.
- Utilizing sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) creatively and innovatively in learning and problem solving related to physical education.
- Can be an individual as a lifelong learner through the development of innovations in the field of creative and responsible physical education, by prioritizing professional ethics.
From 4 formulations of the objectives of the study program or programe education outcomes (PEO) that can be described into 11 learning achievements or programe learning outcomes (PLO), covering attitudes, knowledge, specific skills, general skills. PEO and PLO can be seen at Curriculum. The results of the evaluation of the achievement of the PLO can be seen in the following figure.
PLO-1 (AS-1) Able to demonstrate a scientific, critical and innovative attitude in teaching physical education in a professional manner
PLO-2 (AS-2) Able to demonstrate religious and cultural values properly in accordance with academic ethics in carrying out professionally
PLO-3 (KNO-1) Able to demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physical education through the concept of physical education
PLO-4 (KNO-2) Able to apply the concept of physical education to deal with problems that occur in the field with a modified approach
PLO-5 (KNO-3) Able to apply problem management methods in the field of physical education through classroom action research
PLO-6 (KNO-4) Able to apply technology in physical education learning
PLO-7 (KNO-5) Able to master theoretical and practical concepts in the field of physical education, especially the development of creativity (entrepreneur) in the field of physical education and sports
PLO-8 (SS-1) Able to solve problems in project-based physical education and guided discovery independently or in groups
PLO-9 (SS-2) Able to design research independently or in groups to provide alternative solutions to problems in the field of physical education
PLO-10 (GS-1) Able to use appropriate ICT to obtain alternative solutions to problems in the scope of physical education with various models of approaches
PLO-11 (GS-2) Designing entrepreneurial designs related to physical education and sports
Student achievements in completing learning targets in accordance with the PLO in total can be described based on the following figure. Students' completeness in the excellent criteria is the most dominant (46%), the good criteria are the second (36%), the third place is the satisfy criteria (16%), while the student failure rate is 2%.