Undergraduate Program of Sports Science has a Graduate Profile that has an advantage in professional skills in the field of sports health, sports tourism, sport management, and sports industry by producing graduates of Bachelor of Sports (S.Or.). The objectives of the Undergraduate Program of Sports Science that has been formulated are lowered into 10 points of Graduate Learning Achievement (PLO) which aims to strengthen the peculiarities of sports science study programs needed by stakeholders and users in accordance with the needs of the community at this time (Tracer Study). Curriculum developed based on PLO evaluation (Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) results in Class of 2016). The results of the evaluation of Graduate Learning Achievement (PLO) shows that there is a linkage of user needs that can be seen from the attachment of study tracer data and user response results, the completion of graduate learning achievements (PLO) will produce the target of graduates needed in the world of work and able to improve the quality of graduates, as well as develop science and technology that demands reliable PLO specifications so that the PLO can be guaranteed reliability, then lowered courses that characterize the specifications of the study program so that it is related to methodology and general capabilities. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) program is prepared by a team based on the National Sports System Law, National Standards of Higher Education, CQI evaluation, alumni tracer study results, and program study forum. The objectives of the Study Program are;
- Improving knowledge skills in the field of sports health, sports tourism, sport management, and sports industry, to build the image of the Sports Science Study Program at the local, national, and international levels. (PEO-1)
- Improving competence in the field of Science and Technology based on research, adaptive, and have global competitiveness by providing excellent professional services. (PEO-2)
- Develop the interests and talents of students in the field of sports health, sports tourism, sport management, and sports industry so that graduates have the competence that is qualified and professional. (PEO-3)
- Producing graduates who are superior and competent as national and international sports support personnel who are adaptive, research-based, and have global competitiveness by providing excellent professional services. (PEO-4)The purpose of the study program (PEO) is a reference in determining learning achievements (PLO).
The achievement of learning sports science study program refers to the aspects of knowledge, general skill, specific skills, and attitude. The results of the evaluation of PLO achievements can be seen in the following figure.

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- Able to develop themselves and have the concept of scientific theory, especially in the field of sports science that has a smart, honest, and independent attitude.
- Able to think critically, logically, innovatively, and systematic in order to develop and optimize the potential of the business world and industry in the field of sports
- Able to understand, analyze and evaluate and apply scientific theory, especially in the field of sports health, sports tourism, sport management, and sports industry.
- Able to develop and optimize the potential of local wisdom from natural resources in the field of sports science to create the business world and sports industry independently and or together.
- Able to analyze the implementation of concepts about the relationship of anatomy and human function in physical activity and sports in the field of sports science studies.
- Able to evaluate the application of concepts about health and recreation from the point of view of the field of sports science.
- Able to implement the implementation of health and recreation concept relationships in relation to physical activity and sports.
- Able to formulate and develop health and recreation sciences in relation to physical activities and games and sports in the business world and industry and society in general.
- Able to optimize the concept of effectiveness and efficiency of human movement in relation to physical activities and games and sports in the business world and industry and society in general.
- Able to conduct scientific research that can be used in giving various alternative problem-solving in the field of sports science to develop and optimize the development of physical activities and traditional sports games and sports achievements in a series of efforts to improve health and fitness for the community, sports community, and sportsmen.

The average achievement of the PLO sports science program is in the Excellent category of 75%, then the Good category by 19%, while the Satisfy category is 2% and the False category is 4%. Thus, it can be interpreted that in general the achievements of the PLO Undergraduate Program of Sports Science are in the category of Excellent (75%).